Many companies offer scholarships for college students. Most ask you to write an essay or story. However, few have as much impact as the opportunity that Zelus Recovery’s scholarship provides. Here’s how you can participate.
$500 Scholarships for College Students
Zelus Recovery assists teens and young adults who struggle with substance abuse. In the process, therapists have seen how devastating chemical dependency becomes at this young age. Most importantly, they’ve worked with families that looked great on the outside. However, the inside was a mix of hopelessness, secrets, and fear.
To inspire college students to stay the course, the facility offers $500 scholarships for college students. College scholarships Boise Idaho students hear about usually involve essays. This one isn’t different. The rules are simple:
- Be 18 years of age and enroll in college or trade school
- Write an essay of 500 to 1,000 words
- Explain how substance abuse affected you personally
- Send the piece to [email protected] and include the subject line “Zelus Recovery College Scholarship”
- Submit the essay by August 1
What’s the Point of the Scholarship?
This is one of the scholarships for college students in Boise Idaho that offers meaning. It allows someone to make sense of their past. Most importantly, it’s a tool that inspires others to see past the hopelessness of addiction. Teens and young adults don’t need another adult preaching to them.
In contrast, they benefit from the experiences of peers. When they read about someone else’s struggle and victory, they can envision themselves overcoming chemical dependency. In this way, scholarships for college students in Boise Idaho and beyond are tools for inspiration and vision. They might encourage someone else to reach out for help.
How Teens and Young Adults Can Overcome Substance Abuse
Zelus Recovery is one of the facilities that only work with teens and young adults. In this way, it hones approaches to these age groups. Possible care opportunities include:
- Early interventions that help teens in middle and high school make changes before dependency occurs
- Outpatient treatment that encourages teens and young adults to remain at home
- Behavioral counseling that teaches emotional regulation and coping skills
- Family therapy as a tool for useful communication patterns
- Dual diagnosis treatment, which teaches program participants how to manage anxiety or depression
One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to dealing with chemical dependency. The essays people write when applying for scholarships for college students will show that. Besides that, they’ll emphasize that addiction can happen to anyone. They take away the stigma and worries about being different.
Participate Today!
Are you interested in learning more about scholarships for college students in Boise Idaho and other areas? Maybe you’re on the other side and need help with substance abuse. You don’t know where to turn for assistance.
Learn about Zelus Recovery today. If you need help with chemical dependency, call 208.518.0797 today. To submit your application for scholarships for college students, follow the instructions we posted at the top.